Here at Anna-Ca-Soo Day Nursery, we have a good understanding of children's lives and their social contexts, basing our teaching around them. Supporting and encouraging personality development, autonomy and creativity are top priorities for us. Developing social interaction and understanding differences in others also plays an important role in our work. We also support you, the parent, in bringing up your child.
We believe that children benefit the most when a parent and staff work together in partnership to ensure quality care and learning for the children. The nursery team welcomes parents as partners, a relationship built on trust and understanding. It is important that we, as carers, are able to support parents in an open and sensitive manner. A two way sharing of information is key to this.
We have a variety of ways for parents to keep up to date with everything that goes on at the Nursery. These include: the website, ParentMail, OurSchoolsApp, monthly newsletters and social media.
On May 16th, 2024, we were inspected by OfSTED. Here are just a few quotes from the report...
'Staff in the nursery provide children with a range of fun learning experiences that
encourage them to develop a positive attitude to learning. Children arrive happy to
start their day, and staff greet them with a smile and a warm welcome. This helps
children to settle and feel secure in their surroundings. Staff take the time to get to
know the children. They build very close relationships with parents to find out what
they know and can do when they start. This enables staff to provide activities that
are tailored to children's needs and interests.'
To read the full report, head on over to the 'Reviews' page.